Minggu, 26 April 2009


When you are attacked, especially if not attack back, you do not make the individual pursuit to the opposite direction. Do not press and hold the R1 button when approaching the stand or not the opponent. Simply wait until your opponent comes a new approach. And note also, is false or is not appropriate if you try to seize or defend from the attacks on the opponent only squeeze tobol X continuously. Moreover, with push button R1. This will result in players that we are in the vanguard not descend assist our defense. So the need to do is wait for the opponent, or come close to the regular and close pergerakannya. If you are near the opponent you can push the button X to grab the ball from them. If the skill you defend the body and good enough or good enough speednya and in prime condition (at least berwana green, will be very good if the red) you can continue the push and hold X. If not in a condition so I recommend the quick-change push button with the L1.
If you do what I ordered over the players you will gather in the area while the pinalty last. Thus, your defense will be very very difficult meeting and ditembuts. From my experience, only the backlash distance jauhlah that still may be made by the opponent. Itupun often terblock stand by our players. Well as other concentration if you pursue the ball carrier, this will cause the players you tercerai berai not known, and make you play defense. One again, if a player pursuing the attackers have been through you, simply click R1 again and just direct you to the direction of the players who are without the push button X. This will make you survive the faster the opponent run chase, and of course also need to diwaspadai where he will make a maneuver (turn directions, back and forth).
Waspadai players who also have offense, speed, and good technique, such as ronaldinho, henry, shevcenko, and Christiano Ronaldo and so forth. Especially if they are in prime condition (marked with yellow or red). Usually very ssulit to snatch the ball from the players who have conditions like this. layered defense is necessary and the application of techniques such as the above give me the exact. Use the players who have survived defend, body, and the prime condition (yellow or red) for the players like this.

Triangle = bait ball to the players even
(not just only that, this is also the key segita we can use to pass the ball to the far front of us by pressing the triangle button a while).
Box = kick directly to the gate
= Circle pass the ball bounce
= cross pas even pass the ball much better and closer.
R1 = ran
R2 = mengocek support for the ball
L1 = move the player who we kuasai
L2 = rarely use because it is only used at the time we make normal strategy

tricks to survive Q-ta should be concentration. is definitive. when opponents attack should survive the Q-ta pursue the ordinary course without using the R1 button atw X, should use it by pressing L3 + segiempat 2kali ago unanimously X and L2. -And hopefully help to get up BAROKAH infonya

. if we want to be a high take-off we must consider our position players. when the ball is above his head chute we really press x or plot. mencetnya but we do not rehearse or hold, just once. that would be a backlash when the maximum corner kick, we dapt make it by pressing the o at the same time pressing the left or the right players who are in the penalty box will slide toward pursuing the necessary bola.pemain must meiliki accurate shot and a good curve, such as Totti, Pirlo, especially beckham Maradona apalagi kalu our clever "COMPULSORY goal." for the attacker need offense, speed, aggression, technique, and etc. ..

want to know ... ... formation of the most good. nih 4-3-1-2, 3-4-3,. sometimes we also want to receive the ball bounce, but we do not want to mengopernya or remove bolanya. we can bring the ball bounce without mengopernya by pressing r1 many times. if want to know how to kick free yag well I know how. if we mix free kick 1 / 2 meters from the penalty we could have a rounded but really slow. 2 meters of the penalties we press box at a time slot and press the left or right or press r1 r2 and press L1 and press x to the top of the plot. good players who like to kick this, namely Totti, Pirlo, Gerrard, beckham, lampard EFREM ama FABRIZZIO HE .. HE .. the artificial, ya udah dulu aja triknya waiting yag other from me.

1. Go straight FREEKICK
Usahain ball is perpendicular to one of the rift shoulder (between 2 players who stand) posse, so for example i have Gerrard lampard stand, just between the shoulders they can be drawn perpendicular to the direction the ball down, there is the target .... Truss yaudah, live sketch "box" aja (again, depending on the shoot power)
How about 20 meters distance, do not ya kira2 power more than half of the
FREEKICK "Banana" or "Turn"
Nah, well above the first, upright "rift" between the
You slide the little (depending on curling players) to the left or right, opposite to the direction bolanya want to go dibelokin
For example: belokin want the ball to the left, to right gesernya
belokin want the ball to the right, left to gesernya
So mean is that bolanya later can turn to the rift between the two players is
Combination Formulas
I want to bounce the ball a bit -> signature "under" + "box" (same time)
I always want the ball aja -> signature "box" aja
I want the ball quite flat -> signature "on the" + "box" (same time)
I want the ball more slowly -> signature "X" after the signature "box"
I want the ball much faster -> sketch "Segi3" after the signature "box"
I want the ball "banana" or "warped" or "turn"
-> After the signature "box" direct signature "left" or "right"
Enggak so confused following the example and the steps:
1.gue dapet freekick with 25 meters distance
2.tempat I nendang approximately in front of the right goalpost (meaning the left goalkeeper opponent, ngerti eh?)
2.gue select beckham so eksekutor (ciee language ...)
3.gue take the right slit (so the rift between the posse in the same right to the left)
4.gue set the direction of the ball so that I ama slit perpendicular to
5.karena I want to kick "banana" or belokin the ball to the left (towards the wicket), so the direction of the upright before I sign "right" a little (so more or less perpendicular ama right ear the far right)
6.ok, the position is good, now living mengira2 power needed (lo lo players should know better, I need to pacarin deh lo), yah, kira2 powernya half or less dikit deh
7.trus I know I kick a bit flat, or sudutnya low, so I siap2 signature "on the" + "box", trus gue pengen bolanya kenceng and turn to the left, so I was ready abis sketch "segi3" + "left"
8.jadi this sequence tekenannya after I take a position:
- First, drawing "on" (resistance) are "box" ampe powernya half
- After powernya enough, I immediately separated the two key Searched
- How I sketch directly again "left" ama "segi3" (both
hold) ampe beckham is nendang
- Hold the breath ... ... ... ... bersoraklah goals and I congratulate
- I do not exercise anymore ... ... ... atuh
Well, it may seem ribet, I know, that I may have nausea, n mules2, but ya emang I try to explain better
Lama2 kalo udah mah usual easy, I have feeling, I also originally katro, ga ngerti, but deh lama2 cool, so glad every time dapet freekick
Rather arrogant, but a high heart (lho, aja ya same ..) I often make with the goal freekick. The problem is training and living ajah feeling. I never even ngegol lho freekick from 35 meters distance and even more (even though only a few times)

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